Sunday, April 4, 2010


It was a long winter, but not a terribly harsh one. Some snow, nothing the team couldn't handle. A few cold Saturday runs, but nothing sub-zero, so they were fine. There were never any frosty eyebrows at the water stops. Still, we're all glad for the warmer days. Many on the team have their destination races coming up.......either the Martian Half or Full Marathon or Boston. Asia decided after the Detroit Marathon last fall that she likes half-marathons better, so she's running the Martian half next Saturday. ***Hmmm, for some reason I can't enter line spaces, so this will likely be a run-on paragraph unless I can come back and edit it.*** Today is Easter and also Asia's 29th birthday. Yesterday we took rice crispie treats (thank you Mary) and brownies to practice. At 3pm we arrived at Mongolian Bar-b-que in Ann Arbor with Anita, Jeff's mom, and met Aaron, John and Katie, Samantha, Carol Vollink, Sandy, Asia's bus driver, and her husband Roger, for a birthday dinner. Asia had a great time with her friends and as always, enjoys any all-you-can-eat buffet! Today she opened more gifts, including Popcorn-opolis popcorn from Meg, Jeff, and Cate! It's been a great day!!

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